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dc.contributor.authorKhiat, Salim-
dc.contributor.authorBelbachir, Hafida-
dc.contributor.authorRahal, Sid Ahmed-
dc.description.abstractRecently, many large organizations have multiple data sources (MDS’) distributed over different branches of an interstate company. Local patterns analysis has become an effective strategy for MDS mining in national and international organizations. It consists of mining different datasets in order to obtain frequent patterns, which are forwarded to a centralized place for global pattern analysis. Various synthesizing models [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,26] have been proposed to build global patterns from the forwarded patterns. It is desired that the synthesized rules from such forwarded patterns must closely match with the mono-mining results (i.e., the results that would be obtained if all of the databases are put together and mining has been done). When the pattern is present in the site, but fails to satisfy the minimum support threshold value, it is not allowed to take part in the pattern synthesizing process. Therefore, this process can lose some interesting patterns, which can help the decider to make the right decision. In such situations we propose the application of a probabilistic model in the synthesizing process. An adequate choice for a probabilistic model can improve the quality of patterns that have been discovered. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive study on various probabilistic models that can be applied in the synthesizing process and we choose and improve one of them that works to ameliorate the synthesizing results. Finally, some experiments are presented in public database in order to improve the efficiency of our proposed synthesizing method.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of sciences and technology in Oranen_US
dc.subjectGlobal Patternen_US
dc.subjectMaximum Entropy Methoden_US
dc.subjectNon-derivable Itemseten_US
dc.subjectItemset Inclusion-exclusion Modelen_US
dc.titleProbabilistic Models for Local Patterns Analysisen_US
Appears in Collections:Thèses doctorat

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